Friday, September 07, 2007

Time for Back to School

California Superintendent of Public Instruction: Jack O'Connell

Read for fun
Schoolbooks aren't the only books you can read. Learn to read for pleasure. You'll do better in school and be a learner for life.

Turn off the TV and get creative
Develop your own creativity by playing games, acting in your own plays, drawing, playing a musical instrument, singing, cooking, sewing. The only limit is the limit of your own ideas. Challenge your imagination everyday.

Get plenty of rest
You can't learn if you are not focused and rested, so always get enough sleep.

Eat healthy and exercise
Staying active and staying fit will help you stay sharp in school. A good breakfast every morning can help you get an "A." Don't miss the most important meal of the day.

Don't give up, ask for help
If you get a bad grade, ask for help and give it another shot.

Learn by helping others
You can learn so much by helping others. Volunteer to help a new student get settled in your school. Volunteer in your community.

Make friends who are different
Learn about classmates from other cultures and respect their differences. Open your mind and expand your world by sharing customs, holidays, games, and family stories with someone whose background is different than your own.

Schedule time for homework every day
Create a well-lit, organized, and quiet place where you can do homework or work on long-term projects. If you don't have homework on a particular day, read or create a special art piece. Make this time a part of your daily routine. Always be organized with your notes, assignments, projects, and test dates.

Volunteer to be a mentor
Mentoring or tutoring a younger student will reinforce what you know, increase your confidence, and make you feel great!

Set your sights high
When you set high goals for yourself and work toward them each day, you'll be amazed at what you'll achieve!


Gosia and Henny said...

How are you? I just stumbled on your blog all the way from the Netherlands by coincidence. Your observations and tips for young students apply to all nationalities and all places where schools are like in my country!

My oldest son will be able to read your tips so I will let him read it! He just went to secundary school in my town.

greetings from the Netherlands
Gosia & Henny

Gregory said...


I am glad you found this post helpful. The video and tips were produced by the California Superintendent of Public Instruction and the California Department of Education.