Thursday, February 02, 2006

Unions Launch New Business Selling Union-Made Products and Services

Most people view unions as business adversaries not business start-ups, but a department of the AFL-CIO believes it is time to change that perception.
A new Internet shopping site,, and database containing thousands of union-made products and services recently opened for business, run by the Union Label & Service Trades Department, AFL-CIO.
The site offers everything from union-made motorcycles and building supplies to financial services, housewares and clothes, along with news and links to organizations and programs geared to spur job growth and greater economic opportunity for working families.
“Anyone interested in supporting good jobs can come to one web site to locate and purchase union-made goods and services and to learn about and join in practical programs for economic and social change,” said Matt Bates, the department’s secretary-treasurer.
“People will be surprised how many high-quality items are still made by North American union members. There are thousands of products and services listed in our database and we are adding hundreds more each month,” he said.
The slogan of the new web site reads, “Support Good Jobs – Shop Union-Made.”
“This is ‘Economics 101,’” Bates said. “Consumers reinvest their hard-earned dollars here at home by purchasing goods and services made by neighbors and friends. Instead of sending jobs and money overseas, it makes far more sense to invest in our own communities, and the web site makes it easy for consumers to do that,” Bates explained.

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